
Swati Srivastava

Thanks for helping us to write the most important chapter of our life, you have been an angel guiding us through all the rough and smooths. “Thanks” is just a word but we have gratitude for your efforts and care million times.



Thank you Dr Sudha Kashmiri for seeing my poor house help free of cost on Wednesday. Dr Sudha was really very patient with her and was mindful of not prescribing any expensive medicine.


kajal chaudhari

Dr. Sudha is one of the best and excellent doctor whom i have ever met. She is so calm and friendly to you that makes you comfortable to share your queries. I must say please visit doctor for the best experience and treatment. She is the best gynaecologist in powai chandivali areas.


Sushma Charya

I had reached out to Doctor as I was unwell, weakness, pale skin and suffering from frequent back pain. Doctor asked me to get my blood test done to determine exact cause. My test came back and I had anemia, Doctor then prescribed Tonic for Anemia and added multivitamin and calcium tablets for overall well-being. This helped me tremendously and I was able to recover quickly. The back pain has gone and I am back to being fit and healthy. Thank you Doctor!


Dr. Soham Mallick

Dr sudha is highly knowledgeable about gynaecological problems. She is a very patient listener and gives very simple effective solutions for their health issues. Highly recommend everyone to get a consult from Dr sudha!


Pratiksha Kharatmol

I went to Dr. Sudha for fever she is very polite Dr. She treated me well and now I'm very good because of her. Thank you so much Dr. sudha


Sneha Pandey

I had developed skin rashes due to adverse effects of a medicine. Hence I contacted Dr Sudha,with her amazing consultation and treatment prescription...I recovered and was all fine in 2 days.